
Roses and Broach Bouquet

Original price was: $325.00.Current price is: $150.00.

SKU: BQ3451 Category: Tags: ,

Artificial white & pink rose bouquet accented with a gold broach in the center with AB irridescent crystals; embellished with gold & pearl broaches throughout the bouquet; white base/handle; size of bouquet large/adult size (style of broach may vary based on inventory availability).  Can be made in most colors.  # BQ3451

Estimated Shipping Time:  2 weeks

*Product color and quality as seen on a monitor may vary slightly compared to actual items due to photography lighting conditions and individual screen color calibration.

*El color de este producto como Usted lo ve en su pantalla puede variar comparado al articulo actual debido a las condiciones de luz de la fotografia & la calibracion individual de cada pantalla.